January 8, 2001
George W.'s first attempt in late January to moderate a meeting at Camp
David between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat, he reveals his understanding
that the "state of Palestine" is a U.S. protectorate somewhere
near the island of Guam, and that the solution to Israeli-Palestinian
problem is a simple matter of establishing some faith-based charities
whose volunteers would teach the two peoples how to fish and scuba-dive
in their tropical waters. Both Barak and Arafat throw up their hands in
disgust and walk out, feeling even more discouraged than when they had
first entered the meeting.
Out of desperation, they board a plane together to travel to Atlanta,
Georgia, to meet with another American leader -- one who is better known
for his diplomatic skills and knowledge than the hapless George W. Unbeknownst
to them, the shared plane flight leads to a pleasant conversation in which
they share some common ground.
The two leaders order Cokes from the flight attendant
and chat about the failed meeting.
"I cannot believe what an idiot that man is!"
exclaims Arafat.
"He makes Boris Yeltsin look good," retorts
"That is for certain," Arafat agrees. "What
I do not understand is, how can Americans choose such a stupid man to
be their leader?"
"Well, I heard he was not exactly elected,"
Barak hints.
"Oh, yes," responds Arafat, "I have also
heard much about the so-called 'democracy' in America."
Barak guffaws. "Do not get me started!"
Arafat nods. Both men become quiet. They sip their Cokes
and gaze out the window for a few minutes.
Barak looks at Arafat. "You know," he says,
"despite all of our problems, Mr. Arafat, at least we can say we
are not completely bereft of essential knowledge about the world. We are
both familiar with history, geography, and politics."
"Not to mention the fact that we can both read a
book!" Both men chuckle.
Their countenances become serious again. Barak takes a
deep breath. "With our collective intelligence, surely we can reach
an agreement," he says.
"I concur," Arafat says unblinkingly. "We
have to reach an agreement. The violence must end. There cannot be one
more who dies."
Barak looks down at his hands and nods. He sighs and quietly
retreats to his thoughts. Then he looks up at Arafat and says, "Perhaps
the man in Atlanta can help."
disembarking from the airplane, the Middle Eastern leaders check into
a hotel in Atlanta. The next day, they share a limousine ride and arrive
at 453 Freedom Parkway. They enter a posh meeting room and sit for a few
minutes while they wait for their host to arrive. When the man whom they
have come to see enters the room, they both stand to greet him.
"Shalom, Ehud," greets the host, who
is a smiling and soft-spoken gentleman. He and Barak warmly shake hands.
Former President Jimmy Carter then turns to Arafat.
"Marhaba, Yasser. Q'if halak?"
Carter says to Arafat.
Arafat smiles broadly and replies, "I am very well,
thank you. And how are you, Jimmy?"
"Mapsut, Yasser," Carter says. "And
shukran-lek for asking."
"Oh, stop showing off, Jimmy!" Barak interjects.
The three men laugh.
Carter indicates for them to sit down at an elegant round
table. As they sit, Carter explains, "Please pardon me. My daughter
Amy gave me an Arabic language CD-ROM for Christmas and I'm taking the
opportunity to practice my conversational skills."
Barak and Arafat both convey their encouragement to Carter
for his budding fluency in Arabic, and the serious discussion begins.
It continues for several days, with each day's meetings accomplishing
more than those of the day before.
the talks conclude, the Middle Eastern leaders return to Israel with new
plans for a peace settlement between the Israeli Jews and the Palestinians.
The agreement assures the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their
homeland in exchange for a Palestinian declaration of Israel as a permanent
Jewish state, in which Jews can continue to settle and prosper. When housing
runs short, Jimmy Carter lends his assistance again -- this time as a
carpenter with Habitat for Humanity. Israeli and Palestinian leaders create
a bicultural committee comprising moderate Jewish and Muslim religious
leaders and historical scholars to oversee the protection and maintenance
of the holy compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Arabs as
Haram al-Sharif. The Palestinian people are finally awarded sovereignty
and control over their natural resources, and Israeli Jews and Palestinians
are gradually integrated in neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, the government,
and the army. This peaceful integration is expected to continue through
future generations, as Israeli and Palestinian young people participate
in educational and cultural-understanding projects modeled on the Seeds
of Peace program. The Israeli army lays down its weapons against the
Palestinians, and the Palestinians are happy to toss aside their rocks
now that they have access to freedom, resources, and opportunity. The
leaders of the two peoples establish an annual day of mourning for those
who died during the conflict. The rest of the world looks to this small
but diverse region as an example of successful peacemaking and coexistence.
back in the U.S., George W. is caught snorting cocaine in the men's bathroom
of the Pentagon and is promptly impeached for breaking his own draconian
anti-drug laws. Upon hearing this news, Vice President Dick Cheney is
so overwhelmed by excitement that he has heart attack -- this time a more
serious one that renders him incapacitated to serve as President. Next
in line, Speaker of the House Denny Hastert retires unexpectedly and passes
the baton to President Pro Tempore of the Senate Strom Thurmond, who is
deemed, by an official board of gerontological psychiatrists, mentally
incompetent after showing up in the Capitol building without his shoes
on. Due to concerns of Secretary of State Colin Powell using executive
powers to bomb various foreign nations just for the heck of it, the Democrats
get their act together and stage a coup to circumvent the Presidential
Succession Law of 1947. A popular election is held, and Hillary Clinton
becomes the new President. Hillary turns out to have more integrity than
her sellout husband did, as many people had predicted she would. Former
President Bill Clinton agrees with this assessment when asked about it
by a guest on his NBC talk show.